Ten Money-Saving Driving Tips

Many car owners don’t realize it, but their personal driving habits play a significant role in the amount of gas used by their vehicles. All it takes is little changes—that are easy to make, by the way—to get the most mileage from a tank of gas. Here are ten driving tips that will give your wallet a little break.

Tip #1: Slow Down

While you may speed when you’re in a hurry or just simply for the fun of it, the truth of the matter is you’re wasting unnecessary gas. It also increases wear and tears on your tires and vehicle as a whole. Stick to the speed limit or just below it and avoid quick accelerations to save fuel.

Tip #2: Avoid Excessive Idling

Whether you are stuck in a construction zone, waiting for a friend to come out of the store, or stuck at a railroad crossing, idling the engine will lead to a significant waste of fuel. If you must idle for longer than 10 seconds, it is best to turn your vehicle off. Restarting the vehicle will use less fuel than idling.

Tip #3: Check the Tire Pressure

Your tire pressure plays a considerable role in your vehicle’s fuel efficiency. Under-inflated tires will lead to reduced fuel mileage and premature wear. By monitoring your tire pressure regularly, you will not only save money on gas, but you will also help prevent a blowout and other vehicle damage.

Tip #4: Limit A/C Use

During the dog days of summer, your air conditioning system can be a blessing. At the same time, though, it cuts into your gas. To save gas, minimize the use of the A/C and crack the sunroof or roll down the windows to cool down.

Tip #5: Lighten Your Load

The heavier your vehicle is, the harder it will be for the vehicle to start moving. As a result, you will use more gas. Minimize the amount of cargo you have in the trunk and avoid placing any cargo on the roof, as this will cut into your fuel economy.

Tip #6: Use Cruise Control

As previously mentioned, sticking to the speed limit or just below it can help reduce the amount of gas used while driving. However, when your foot is on the pedal, it can be difficult to stay at one speed, especially when others are driving faster around you. One way to combat this is to use cruise control.

Tip #7: Minimize Wind Resistance

When driving at higher speeds, excess wind resistance can cause you to use up to 20% more gas. This is a result of accessories like spoilers, roof racks, bike racks, etc. If you aren’t using these accessories, make sure to remove them.

Tip #8: Track Local Gas Prices

Gas prices vary from one store to the next. To avoid overpaying for gas, track gas prices in the area. There are numerous apps like GasBuddy that allow you to do this. While you don’t want to go out of your way to get the cheapest gas (as this would be counterintuitive), find the cheapest gas nearest to you or along your route to benefit the most.

Tip #9: Invest in Regular Maintenance

One of the best ways to ensure your vehicle is not using unnecessary gas is to invest in regular and routine vehicle maintenance. This includes tune-ups, oil changes, filter changes, tire rotations, battery checks, brake checks, fluid checks, and more. This will help ensure your vehicle is always running at maximum efficiency. A technician at Sport Chevrolet can inspect your vehicle and ensure it is ready to perform optimally.

Tip #10: Opt for a More Fuel-Efficient Vehicle

Modern vehicles are becoming increasingly more fuel efficient. This is not only limited to smaller vehicles, or even electric and hybrid cars. Well-known gas guzzlers like SUVs and trucks get better gas mileage today than they did in years past. If you drive a lot, consider reaching out to us at Sport Chevrolet to trade your vehicle for a newer, more fuel-efficient one.

Visit Us at Sport Chevrolet for All Your Vehicle Needs

Regardless of whether you need to schedule routine vehicle maintenance or would like to check out fuel-efficient vehicles, the friendly and knowledgeable team at Sport Chevrolet is standing by to assist you.